Tuesday, September 8, 2009



INTRODUCTION: Who is a Christian? We were told in the word of God, that Christian are those people that are called out of the world into the vine yard of the living God. Act 11: 26. Furthermore, A Christian is somebody that has the nature of Christ in him. Christ – like or little Christ, because of their attitude and his own are the same.
WHO ARE CHRISTIAN YOUTH? They are those youth that are genuinely saved and also working for the glory of God. According to Ecclesiastic 12: 1 “How can we know Christian youth that are genuinely saved. Discuss?”
In a time like this what are the youth doing? Matt. 24: 12 – 14 we can see according to the Bible verse that has been read to us that many wicked things is going on in our society today i. e. poverty, killing, corruption, loves of worldly things than God. We are no more conscious of His Kingdom or His Second Coming again. Some come to God not because they love God, but because of what they want from Him. “Why there is no difference between today’s Christian and worldly people, how can we help them out youth of our time? Discuss.”
IN A TIME LIKE THIS WHAT ARE THE CHRISTIAN YOUTH SUPPOSE TO BE DOING? Ecclesiastic 12: 13 -14. To do the will of God, to make God happy and live with one another in love. Also the final commission which Jesus Christ gave before lived for home was to preach the gospel to all the nations of the earth. According to Matt. 28: 19 – 20, and Mark 16: 15 – 18.
Youth of today how can we know that we are doing the will of God. Discuss.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello !
You wrote (right menu): “That is why He is sending his only begotten Son, who came to this world and died on the cross of Calvary because of you and I. (John 3: 16),”

You wrote about atonement and I want to comment on that.

(le-havdil) The same that is outlined in Tan’’kh (the Jewish Bible) about kipur – atonement – was taught by first century Ribi Yehoshua (the Messiah) from Nazareth. Read this essential teachings here: www.netzarim.co.il

Anders Branderud